BioEdit has not been regularly
maintained for several years. The change log has not been updated since version However, a few updates have
been made simply to keep the program generally
functional. The following list is not complete because
the time has not been available to adequately keep
track. The help file has not been updated to reflect
most changes.
Since v7.2.6:
- Rebuilt program to restore Ctrl+Right click functionality for reference sequence choice.
Since v7.2.4:
- Added functionality for https to fix download of sequence data from NCBI.
Since v7.1.11:
- The dot-plot feature for pairwise sequence comparison was brought back by request from a user (Under Sequence->Pairwise alignment->Dot Plot (pairwise comparison).
- Taxonomy mapping from sequence title was brought back under Sequence->Phylogeny / Taxonomy->Extract Taxonomy->(three mapping options). Only bacterial and viral taxonomies are supported by default, but a custom table can be made by opening the file ‹BioEdit›\tables\ Bacterial_phylogeny.tab or ‹BioEdit›\tables\ Viral_Phylogeny.tab, copying the contents into MS Excel, and creating a custom table according to the same general template, then saving the custom file as a tab-delimited file. If time permits, an auto-map of taxonomy from NCBI may be added in the future for convenience.
Since v7.0.9:
- The pairwise alignment function was fixed to agree
with examples in the help documentation.
Right-click context menu added to title panel in
sequence document.
- Support for local BLAST and accessory application
launching fixed in Windows 7 64-bit version.
- GenBank sequence retrieval updated.
- String-to-floating point number conversion problems (hopefully) fixed for European computers with particular regional settings.
- Single-sequence translation in selected frames with codon usage reporting was fixed. There was a memory bug when translated sequence was not exact multiple of three in length.
- Associating a phylogenetic tree with an alignment from the phylogenetic tree view was fixed.
- Six-frame translations were fixed to allow producing ORF lists from multiple sequences at once.
- Added option to save six-frame translations to a file rather than loading directly into text editor.
Bug fixes/changes since v7.0.8:
The restriction map utility was fixed. It was
broken by the relocation
of the BioEdit.ini file to the program install
An option was put into the preferences to allow
temporary redirecting of
file paths for blast database creation and search
execution to the root
directory. The reason for this is that if the name
of the database
directory (when doing a search) or source directory for
a fasta file (when
converting to a blast database) is too long, it can
overload the maximum
command line length for running blastall.exe or
formatdb.exe (the NCBI
command-line programs used for blast utilities).
Bug fixes/changes since v7.0.7:
Moved BioEdit.ini to the program
current run directory.
Hopefully this will help on computers without write
access to the system
Bug fixes/changes since v7.0.5:
Updated NCBI sequence retrieval to
deal with recent
changes at NCBI that broke the sequence retrieval
functions in the previous
Note: (not a change, per
se): Scoring
in pairwise alignment functions does not agree with
the example in the
help document. This will be investigated if/when
I have time.
I had considered removing the functions, but decided
no to on the grounds
that they generally work OK for quick manipulations
and can be useful as
a time-saving utility. They should not, however,
be used as a teaching
Bug fixes/changes since v7.0.4:
Changing proxy setting for
sequence retrieval from
GenBank had no affect because the routine was looking
in the wrong directory
for the BioEdit.ini file.
Bug fixes/changes since v7.0.3:
Bug in sequence retrieval from
GenBank fixed that
caused retrievals to come back saying " ... format
Bug fixes/changes since v7.0.2:
A memory bug in RNA covariation
routine was fixed.
Bug fixes/changes since v7.0.1:
The blast programs blastall and
formatdb were modified
to allow passing parameters in a file as well as on
the command line to
get around the Windows xommand line length limit.
blastall and formatdb were
modified to allow passing
a darabase name with spaces (original verion tries to
parse the name into
multiple file names).
When launching an alignment file
from the Windows
Explorer, BioEdit now tries to open the file in an
existing BioEdit instance
if there is one open, rather than opening a new one.
Updated installer will hopefully
take care of the
trouble some people have been having installing
Bug fixes/changes since v7.0.0:
The optimal pairwise alignment routine was inadvertently
overwritten with
a test version that was only functional on nucleic acid
This caused pairwise alignment on amino acid sequences
to fail. The
original alignment method was put back.
Bug fixes/changes since v6.0.7:
Documentation (online help file) was updated for the
first time since version
5.0.6. However, my help compiler has a mild
Turet's syndrome and
sporadically tosses numbers in here and there, listing
sentences by number
that did not occur in lists in the original document
(will have to be fixed
Automatic links to NCBI BLAST via the World Wide Web
were added back with
current NCBI pages with editable addresses.
Error on doing local blast searches when swap directory
contained spaces
fixed. However, BLAST won't work if entire command
line is too long
for Windows, so keeping the BioEdi t swap directory in a
path name as short
as possible (e.g. C:\BioEdit\Temp) is a good idea.
Some context-sensitive help added (not complete).
Fixed bug in graphic view that caused Error when view is
plotted in dot
conservation mode and the "reference" sequence is
shorter than one of the
alignment sequences.
Fixed a bug in floating point conversion with
non-English regional settings
(when a ',' is used as decimal separator) that would
cause an error when
trying to translate nucleotide sequences into protein
(bug manifested when
reading in the "codon.tab" file and converting frequency
numbers -- the
regional settings were not being detected properly).
Added support for mouse wheel in Alignment document
window. Clicking
the mouse wheel button toggles between vertical and
horizontal scroll function.
Fixed bug in right-click-based gap deletion in grouped
sequences with group-locked
alignment status (gaps were being deleted only for
edited sequence and
no entire locked group).
A couple of other bugs relating to adding or deleting
gaps around a residue
with the right mouse button in a sequence which is a
member of an alignment-locked
grouped were fixed. Behavior was updated to only
operate upon sequences
that are not grouped together in an alignment-locked
group with the sequence
in question.
Fixed bug in clustal auto-link that caused VERSION field
to be lost in
aligned sequences.
Bug fixes/changes since v6.0.6:
This is a list of counterintuitive
changes to
deal with a set of counterintuitive features in the short
Removed automatic taxonomy mapping
support -- its
undocumented and caused confusion.
Removed primer pair/oligo mapping
and Tm calculation
-- undocumented and caused confusion.
Removed query functions for
sequence features --
again, undocumented and caused confusion.
Bug fixes/changes since v6.0.5:
Removed "Auto-update View Options"
because it causes
long delays in Win2000 and XP.
Fixed a bug in Graphic View new to
v6.0.5 causing
access violation if View Features mode is on in
document window.
Bug fixes/changes since v5.0.9
Some memory troubles with grouped sequences fixed.
Using sequence
groups is now more stable.
Access violations when deleting sequences in dot
conservation mode or vertically
scrolling very long alignments in dot conservation mode
Retrieve sequences directly from
GenBank over the
Automatically retrieve GenBank info from GenBank for
existing sequences
for Genbank-fasta formatted titles (eg.
Automatically retrieve Pubmed references for GenBank
Multiple levels of undo (up to 30).
Restriction on
number of sequences
removed. All memory allocation for sequences was
made dynamic.
Paste over
sequence blocks to quickly
create subalignments based upon a
region of a larger alignment or produce alignment
Paste over
titles, and paste onto
(concatenate to) titles.
Copy sequence
titles added in a
couple of variations.
Copy nucleic
acid sequence blocks
in reverse complemented orientation
Copy sequences
in a tab-delimited
format (for pasting into a spreadsheet)
function for sequence
find/replace in titles
with indexed wildcards
Filter leading
and trailing characters
off of sequence titles.
Find titles
equal to, beginning
with, or containing lists of strings.
Unique based
upon sequences or
title with a two-step sort + select & delete process
to remove redundant
sequences or titles
Query sequences
by data by TITLE,
Invert selection
of sequences or
Edit information
for multiple sequences
at once with Sequence-->Edit all
subsequences (including
orientation for DNA) from lists of coordinates
(with choice of alignment-gapped or true
Query and
extract annotated sequence
Map true
positions from lists of
alignment positions.
Add tabulated
taxonomy information
to sequences.
Several variable
ways of renaming
titles in batch mode (Sequence-->Rename-->...)
Several ways to
filter out sequences
based upon inclusion/exclusion of
specific characters, length, or number of leading,
trailing, or total gaps.
Sort by
Invert current
sequence order
Map oligos and
primer pairs to
alignments based upon mismatch threshold
Calculate DNA
oligo Tm's with mismatches
based upon thermodynamic parameters
John SantaLucia's lab.
Calculate Tm's
for oligos and compare
them to same region of other sequences
from alignment window using right mouse button clicks.
operations on local sequence
region selection with right mouse
button click.
Speed enhanced
on pairwise alignment
of large similar sequences
Align sequences
to an existing
alignemnt by pairwise alignment to phylogenetic
near neighbor in existing alignment.
individual restriction enzymes
when creating a restriction map.
Easily flush an alignment out with gaps to produce a
rectangular matrix
Bug fixes/changes since v5.0.8:
Made a minor adjustment to
preferences for characters
to be treated as residues -- There's an option to
either include them as
positions or ignore them completely for similarity/ID
Fixed a bug in pasting into the
single sequence editor
Bug fixes/changes since v5.0.7:
Protein alignments in new
installations may have
shading problems because when the option to explicitly
specify all characters
to be considered valid for calculations (including
ID/similarity shading),
'N' was accidentally missed for amino acids.
Several installations
probably have gone out with 'N' missing from the list
of amino acids.
This can cause protein alignments to have
similarity/identity shading errors.
'N' has been put back into the default.
Access violations could occurr
when typing in an
RNA structure mask while in RNA base pair coloring
mode, and when there
is a non-symmetric number of openeing vs. closing
brackets. This
has been fixed.
Bug fixes/changes since v5.0.6:
Added base pair mask support for
RNA alignments.
Added base-pair coloring for RNA
alignments with
user-defined color scheme.
Fixed bug in creating local Blast
databases from
within a sequence document.
Bug fixes/changes since v5.0.5:
Added support for phylogenetic
trees without distance
Added save function for
phylogenetic trees.
Added linking of phylogentic trees
to an alignment.
Multiple trees may be imported
from one or several
Incorporated phylogentic trees are
saved with alignment
in BioEdit alignment format.
Added option to view trees with or
without distance
Updated sequence label editing to
allow spaces in
Bug fixes/changes since v5.0.4:
Added node flipping to
phylogenetic tree viewer.
Added printing to phylogenetic
tree viewer.
Fixed bug in the "append
alignments" (the first alignment
was appended to itself) -- bugged version was only out
for one day.
Bug fixes/changes since v5.0.3:
Fixed some issues with accessory
app linking (problems
keep creeping up related to the change made in version
5.0.0 to specify
a swap folder for temp files).
Added the option to merge
alignments by appending
one alignment to the end of another.
Added a ruimentary tree viewer (VERY
-- only reads phylip trees, only in "phylogram" view, no
distance ruler
yet, no print, save or manipulate yet) -- The reason for
having an internal
tree viewer is to in the future allow flipping of nodes
and resaving the
tree for use in nicer tree viewing programs like
TreeView that allow better
formatting, but don't have manipulation options.
Also, it would be
nice in the future to directly link phylogenetic tree
views to alignment
files for quick phylogeny reference.
Bug fixes/changes since v5.0.2:
Fixed a bug (hopefully) that
caused accessory apps
to not run correctly (bad command or filename error).
Added column anchoring to protect
areas that are
already aligned.
Updated translation toggling so
that gaps that are
expanded back from a single gap (when toggling from a
protein view to a
nucleotide view) are always "locked" (to avoid
problems with inadvertently
crunching off-screen gaps that spuriously toggled back
as "unlocked" when
aligning by hand).
Fixed a bug that caused RNA
covariation, potential
pairings, or mutual information analyses to crash when
"mask numbering"
was chosen but there was no numbering mask specified.
Fixed newly introduced bug the
caused MI Examiner
to crash when no masks are specified.
Bug fixes/changes since v5.0.1:
Updated Mutual Information
Examiner to handle lists
of positions.
Added several options to Mutual
Information preferences
to allow variable display of list information in MI
Added option to export and import
color table files.
Fixed a bug that caused color
table to lock sometimes.
Added option to toggle
translations using the current
selected residue as a reference frame.
Fixed a bug that caused document
to appear hung when
sort by base frequency was chosen without a selected
Added ability to sort by selected
range of residues.
No longer append sequence lengths
to titles when
saving Fasta files.
Added preference (on "General"
tab) to require verification
for revert to saved function.
Fixed problem with creating Local
Blast databases
which would occur on machines with no NCBI tools
Accessory apps and Blast Internet
client are now
launched through an auto-generated batch file.
Bug fixes/changes since v5.0.0:
Added the option to specify
user-defined temp (swap)
directory for all temporary files and user-defined
BLAST database directory
so that BioEdit may be used from a drive space that
does not allow writing
(actually added to v5.0.0 a few days before 5.0.1 came
Fixed some bugs associated with
running accessory
apps from version 5.0.0 after the temp directory
option was added.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.8.10:
(Probably missed a few -- I hadn't
updated this
file for a while)
Added options to specify which
characters in nucleic
acid and amino acid sequences are considered to be
valid for calculations.
Added options for sorting
sequences by title, LOCUS,
and residue frequency
in a selected column.
Added options to annotate
sequences with graphical
features, using the standard GenBank FEATURES tags as
the standard for
keeping track of annotation "type", but allowing full
user control over
feature names, descriptions, colors, shapes and
Added function to automatically
annotate graphical
features using existing GenBank FEATURES field
Added options for grouping
sequences into groups
or families, with user-defined coloring of grouped
titles and the option
to lock the alignment of grouped sequences to allow
synchronized hand alignment
adjustments between grouped and locked sequences.
Added option to lock individual
sequences to prevent
accidental edits.
Updated the BioEdit file format to
save graphical
annotations, sequence group information, locked
sequence information and
positional flags.
Added function to update
previously saved BioEdit
plasmid maps with a new restriction enzyme file when
the ReBase file is
changed (changing the enzyme.tab file can cause
mis-indexing of restriction
enzyme sites in existing plasmid files).
Updated shaded graphic view to
correctly do conservation
(dot) view when that view mode is selected in the
alignment window (no
to create a new dot-plotted alignment and any sequence
can be used as the
reference rather than just the top sequence).
Added a "Overwrite" and "Insert"
modes to both on-screen
and single-sequence editor sequence editing.
Updated local BLAST interface to
feed multiple sequence
automatically for a batch job, and to allow
specification of a permanent
file output and the option to open output
automatically in the BioEdit
text editor or not.
Modified some menus (Edit and
Sequence menus, mainly).
The same options (and more) are still there, but
submenus having been created
to group certain related functions including:
gap-realted functions, pairwise
alignment functions, simple manipulations (reverse,
uppercase, lowercase,
remove numbers), and search functions.
The "No BLAST" version (BioEdit
without local BLAST
packaged) was done away with -- it's too much of
pain to duplicate
everything but one extra function and make a whole
independent installation
when relatively few people download that one anyway).
At the last minute -- added an
option to verbally
read back sequences (protein, nucleic acid, or
anything else) to verify
hand-typed sequence entries.
The docuentation was updated
Bug fixes/changes since v4.8.9:
Fixed the (re-introduced) bug that
caused floating
point number formatting error when translating nucleic
acid sequences on
non-US regional settings machines
Fixed a couple of bugs that affected
in of sample name and version on ABI 310 files
v4.8.8 -- forgot to document
Bug fixes/changes since v4.8.7:
Removed the internal web browser
Fixed a bug in codon frequency
reporting (nucleotide
translations) that caused floating point numbers to
sometimes get jumbled
up in the output
Added a conservation plot toggle to
the main
alignment window with the option to choose the character
to draw for a
"conserved residue" (the "reference" sequence defaults
to the first sequence
in an alignment -- RIGHT-CLICK the mouse over any
sequence to change it
to the current reference sequence for this view option)
Fixed a minor bug in setting of
custom menu shortcuts
for alignment documents. The "Import from
clipboard" should now work
with a user-defined menu shortcut.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.8.6:
Added optimal pairwise alignment
routine with a summary
of percent identity and similarity (multiple choices
for scoring matrix
for amino acid alignment, user-defined gap initiate,
gap extend and nucleotide
match parameters, and option for global alignment or
alignment allowing
ends to slide over each other).
Added routine to create an
alignment that plots all
residues that are identical to the top sequence in an
alignment as a dot.
Added a cheap version of a dot
plotter for plotting
matrix similarity between two sequences -- total
sequence length product
cannot exceed 2000 x 2000, however, so it's not useful
for genome comparisons
or even moderately large sequences.
Added option to calculate the
similarity and/or identity
between two sequences as they are aligned.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.8.5:
3/10/2000 -- added NCBI blastcl3
to distribution
and added a more versatile linking interface for the
BLAST client -- the
old BLAST client 2 has apparently been disabled
3/10/2000 -- Added block
convention to user-defined
motif search. [] brackets indicate ambiguous
residues and {} brackets
indicate exclusions (eg [LIV] will accept 'L', 'I' or
'V', whereas {LIV}
will accept anything BUT 'L', 'I' or 'V'.
3/10/2000 -- Fixed bug that caused
an eror and a
blank doc to be opened when the alignment control bar
was hidden
3/10/2000 -- Fixed a couple of
bugs related to reading
and writing of GenBank files (lines beginning with
numbers were truncated
and manually updating fields sometimes resulted in
Added an alignment merge funcion
which merges two
alignments based upon a standard common to both
Added batch export of ABI raw
trace data.
Fixed the recently introduced
disabling of the ABI/SCF
trace print option
Fixed metafile copy and print of
Improved default scaling of SCF
traces for printing
and metafile copy
Fixed bug in graphic view which
could affect first
time use of the graphic view when used with non-US
Windows regional settings
Bug fixes/changes since v4.8.4:
1/28/2000 -- Fixed bug that came
out when creating
a mask (must have been introduced in version
4.7.8). This bug caused
two masks to be formed and sequence memory for the
first two sequences
to get cross-linked. (caused by accidentally
re-assigning a memory pointer
rather than an entire data structure).
1/27/2000 -- Fixed a bug that was
introduced with
the very last bug fix concerning ClustalW 1.4 to 1.8
upgrading. With
ClustalW 1.4 (the version distributed with BioEdit)
the sequence names
would get mangled and GenBank information was not
being copied into the
new alignment. This should be fixed in version
4.8.5 installations
downloaded after 1/27/2000
Fixed potential bug that comes out
if you replace
the clustalw 1.4 (the version distributed with
BioEdit) with clustalw 1.8
in the apps folder -- clustalw 1.8 will rearrange the
order of the input
sequences, causing sequences and titles to become
scrambled in the new
alignment -- this has been fixed.
Added raw data view and analyzed
and raw data export
from .abi trace files.
Added option to change starting
point of ruler bar
in alignment window.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.8.3:
1/4/2000 -- Fixed bug in read-in
filter for Phlyip
3.2 (non-interleaved) files that cauesed DNA/RNA
alignments to be detected
as protein
2/20/1999 -- Added helical wheel
diagrams for proteins.
Select a protein or portion of a protein and choose
Wheel Diagram
Fixed bug in accessory app
launching that causes
spaces to be lost in command prefixes for inputs and
Added option to accessory app
launching to auto-feed
sequences in separate files (eg, for Lalign from the
Fasta package)
Bug fixes/changes since v4.8.2:
12/13/1999 -- Fixed bug in
hydrophobic moment profiles
-- had an exponent missing in Fourier equation
12/13/1999 -- Added hydrophobic
moment matrix plots
(0-180 degrees)
12/13/1999 -- fixed a couple of
bugs in trace viewer
that caused problems with non-U.S. regional settings
12/10/1999 -- Added support for
SCF version 2.00
Bug fixes/changes since v4.8.1:
Added options to accessory
application interface:
Bypass interface when running an
Link output(s) of one accessory
to another/other
Create accessory app links that
are only called by
other accessory links and do not show up on
accessory app menu
Automatically truncate titles to
10 characters for
programs that don't accept long names and/or change
spaces to '_'
Rename redundant sequence names
and generate a report
file specifying title changes
Bug fixes/changes since v4.8.0:
12/2/1999 -- Fixed a bug in
accessory application
launching that could cause a memory error when running
an app from a window
that is not a sequence alignment document
12/1/1999 -- Fixed on-screen title
editing so that
double-clicking on a selected title still opens the
sequence editing box
and overrides title editing
12/1/1999 -- Added option to
disable on-screen editing
12/1/1999 -- Fixed bug in
consensus sequence generation.
A consensus generated from less than all of the
sequences in an alignment
was using frequencies calculated using the total
number of sequences rather
than the selected number
12/1/1999 -- Fixed bug that caused
an access
violation when re-activating a document that had
sequences deleted (introduced
with version 4.7.8)
Fixed a very bad bug that was
introduced in version
4.7.8. Pasting sequences within an alignment
document caused sequence
structures to become cross-linked due to a duplicated
pointer. This
would lead to memory access violations and possible
loss of data.
This has been fixed.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.7.9:
Added support for SCF sequence
trace files
Added horizontal and vertical zoom
controls to sequence
trace form
Added crosshairs with trace
position reporting in
trace form
Added batch conversion of ABI
files to SCF format
Traces draw faster on the screen
Fixed another bug in on-screen
sequence title editing
(when vertical bar was scrolled, it was causing
trouble with the identity
of the edited title)
Bug fixes/changes since v4.7.8:
Fixed bug in local BLAST linking
that caused failure
when operating from a directory with a space in its
name and using a mtrix
other than Blosum62
Fixed a similar bug in linking to
ReadSeq for importing
and exporting of extra file formats
Added "Import from Clipboard" and
"New from Clipboard"
functions unde the file menu -- Clipboard contents are
treated exactly
like a file an automatic linking to ReadSeq for
importing formats that
BioEdit does not internally read is maintained
Added function for inserting
multiple gaps at selected
residue positions or at specified position in selected
Updated on-screen title editing --
use the arrow
keys to scroll up and down when changing several
titles in the same document
Fixed a bug in plasmid drawing
that caused a floating
point error when adding a very short feature to a
circular plasmid
Bug fixes/changes since v4.7.7:
Fixed a bug that caused keystrokes
to appear in sequences
while in edit mode but changing sequence titles or
accessing menus with
alt+ keystrokes
User-defined motif search function
added for amino
acid, nucleic acid, or simple text.
Memory allocation for sequences
changed to use less
memory (memory was being allocated to set aside space
for 20,000 sequence
structures regardless of the number of sequences in a
file -- now a single
pointer is set aside for the max number of allowed
sequences (20,000),
but no memory is allocated until a sequence is
Bug in ABI trace reader was fixed
that caused trace
/ nucleotide colors to be mismatched when the file
contained an order other
than "GATC"
Bug fixes/changes since v4.7.6:
ABI files may be edited and saved,
and edited sequence
may be reverted to the original, non-editable
version. The edited
sequence is opened as a sequence/alignment doc upon
opening an ABI file.
Extended capabilities of
restriction mapping module.
Long sequences may be mapped (tested up to 1.75 Mb on
machine with 128
Mb RAM). My mapping procedure is pretty slow,
but 500,000 bp runs
in ~2 minutes on a 366 MHz Celeron). Progress
indicators added for
long sequences.
Added local BLAST interface to
main program interface
(rather than just in sequence/alignment docs)
The paste in the sequence edit box
that caused it
to go very slow with long sequences has been fixed
(>500,000 residue pasting
is no longer a problem).
Bug fixes/changes since v4.7.5:
Fixed link to readseq for
import/export of extra
formats that made it fail with long file names
Added read-in filter for GCG
a couple of other minor bug fixes
Bug fixes/changes since v4.7.4:
Fixed a few leftover bugs in the
graphic shaded views
(mostly spacing)
user control over vertical spacing
of sequences
Added view of similarity scoring
matrix files from
doc windows
Edit titles on screen (highlight a
title, then click
it again)
Fixed bug in local blastp --
matrix choices other
than BLOSUM62 should work now
Bug fixes/changes since v4.7.3:
A rich text export was added to
the shaded graphic
view utility. This uses the highlight command in
the Rich Text Format
specification 1.5, and is probably compatable only
with relatively modern
Made a few changes and fixes to
the shaded view.
Added a "find in next title"
function to the main
document window
Bug fixes/changes since v4.7.2:
Clustal format (.aln) filter was
updated so it now
compatible with the sequence numbers option in
A "delete numbers" option was put
in under the sequence
menu to allow easier compatability with copying and
pasting from numbered
In the shaded graphic view, an
option to print lines
continuously (not broken by a space every ten
residues) was added
An option to place translations
below nucleotide
sequences in either one-letter or three-letter format
was added (allows
for coloring with amino acid color table colors, but
no similarity shading
of the amino acids in this view).
Bug fixes/changes since v4.7.1:
8/27/1999: Added option for
outlines around identity
and similarity shading in shaded graphic view of
8/27/1999: Fixed small bug
in restriction maps.
If more than one enzyme cut at the very position
starting a new line on
the printed map, only the first enzyme would show on
the map (though all
would appear in the lists).
User options are provided for a
(hopefully) more
useful consensus sequence generation.
The ABI trace viewer was updated
to provide summary
information and to allow copying of the trace window
as a bitmap (in last
version, I forgot to add that the option to copy print
pages as Metfiles
was also added).
Support for reading Clustal format
has been added
(no save, only open).
Bug fixes/changes since v4.7.0:
The graphic shaded view was
improved. It's
more like a print preview. Also, the option to
add numbers to the
sides of the sequences has been added
*Another* introduced bug was fixed
in the accessory
applications launch interface. This bug was
preventing input and
output file name command prefixes from being added to
the command line
(needless to say, many apps would not run).
Font size control has been added
to the single sequence
editing box.
Accessory apps no longer need to
be run from an alignment
doc unless they operate upon sequence output.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.6.3:
Added support for ABI
chromatograms. Display
traces, import sequence, select, copy, export, reverse
complement and print
with professional-looking output.
Fixed a couple of memory leaks
(some sequence memory
was not being released and some memory allocated
during manipulation of
plasmid images and matrix plot images was "leaking")
Fixed a bug in formatting output
of GenBank files
containig extra field data (REFERENCES, SOURCE, etc)
7/20/1999: Fixed bug in
translations with codon
usage that occurred when sequences had characters
other than A, G, C, T
or U.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.6.2:
7/6/1999 -- corrected error in
molecular mass calculations
for nucleic acids (there was an extra water molecule
(18 Da) for every
internal nucleotide)
Corrected 'Del' key behavior in
edit residues mode
and in single sequence edit interface
Added sequence number to beginning
of mouse position
Fixed alignment of ruler ticks for
non-type-set fonts
Bug fixes/changes since v4.6.1:
Fixed a bug that caused
simultaneous entry of characters
into mutual information examiner X or Y entry and
sequence when in Edit
Residues mode
Fixed glich that caused ruler to
not extend to end
of window in very high screen resolutions with small
font size
Fixed problem (I think) with
disappearing window
controls (minimize, maximize and close controls)
Fixed bug in accessory application
interface that
caused spaces between input and output file prefixes
and filenames to not
be added to the command line
Modified accessory application
interface to use short
path names for input files (Some programs would not
run correctly from
directories with spaces in them, eg Program Files)
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.10:
Scroll a full screen at a time
with the PageUp/PageDown
keys and with Ctrl+arrow keys -- also refined cursor
movement in edit mode
and keyboard-controlled scrolling
BioEdit now remembers your last
window state as the
Fixed a bug in the single sequence
edit window --
applying twice in a row after creating a new sequence
no longer causes
an access violation
Improved speed of dynamic shading
of protein alignments
in the edit window
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.9:
Fixed bug in edit-window shading
(maximizing window
shouldn't cause a problem now).
Added Select to End, Select to
Beginning and Select
Residues of Selected Sequences functions
Changed open and save file dialogs
to remember file
extensions and last directory as defaults
Added recent file list to the file
Added function to open an edit box
at the current
cursor position (when in Edit Residues mode)
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.8:
Added identity/similarity-based
shading in the alignment
Fixed a bug in the matrix plotter
which caused it
to periodically crash when plotting a half matrix
(above diagonal only).
Fixed bug in N-best reporting of
mutual information
and N-best and P-best reports when data are organized
for the whole alignment
rather than by position (I forgot that those things
had never been finished).
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.7:
Added information-based searching
for conserved segments
(may be useful for designing PCR primers or defining
Made the sequence titles window
adjustable in width
Fixed bug in six-frame
translations: An "N"
in the sequence no longer causes an amino acid to be
Added a "Minimize Alignment to
Mask" function to
allow trimming an alignment to positions present in a
mask sequence
Added positional numerical summary
for nucleotide
Changed entropy plots to area
plots that resize with
the window
Added a full-text summary of
entropy (Hx) values
when an entropy plot is run
Got rid of the "three-way
information" thing (too
much noise to be useful)
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.6:
The vertical split has been
improved -- no longer
flickers wildly when going between windows (also, no
longer "left" and
"right" panes -- it's just one window now). The
horizontal split
view is still not-so-great.
Added option to hide panels for
controls at top (to
allow for a bigger sequence editing window)
Sped-up right-click driven
insertions and deletions.
Added option to reverse mouse buttons (to allow
inserting and deleting
gaps with a left click)
Fixed glich in window updating
when switching between
color and B&W
Fixed glich in translations on
restriction maps --
spacing was off if an "X" resulted from a codon with a
non-A, C, G or U/T
Added menu items for all
button-driven controls
"Lock gaps" no longer causes an
error when residue
selection goes beyond the end of a sequence.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.5:
Fixed bug in residue selecting
that was introduced
with the sequence handling rewrite: The location
of a selected block
of residues was not scrolling correctly in the
horizontal direction
Changed the way the matrix plotter
draws matrices.
The speed is improved several hundred fold.
Added threshold control to matrix
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.4:
Fixed glich in amino acid
composition reporting --
previously, non-amino acid characters were assigned a
mass of 110 Da.
Now, only 'X' is assigned 110, other characters are 0
Da (not counted as
amino acids). The weight of 'B' is considered
the average of 'D'
and 'N', and the weight of 'Z' is the average of 'E'
and 'Q'. Also,
a stop codon at the end of a sequence no longer adds 1
amino acid to the
reported length of the sequence.
A couple of changes were made to
the accessory application
configuration interface and the way accessory apps are
Options to include or not
include the input and output
files in the command line were added, as well as the
option to include
them at the beginning or end of the command line.
Changed the method of calling
accessory apps:
redirection of stdin and stdout now *appears* to
work correctly in all
cases. The few PHYLIP programs distributed
with BioEdit now have
stdin redirected so they may be run fully automated.
Forgot to report in an earlier
version: a bug in
converting selected regions to lowercase was fixed
(left out 'A')
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.3:
The on-line help system was
updated (the printable
documentation still needs updating -- also the WWW
documaentation needs
to be updated (don't know when that'll get done)).
Fixed a bug in resizing split
windows (introduced
with version 4.5.3 -- would cause an exception when
the window was increased
vertically due to an oversight in creating a new
graphic sequence display
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.2:
Sequence handling and memory
allocation for sequences
was re-written. Alignments load much faster and
editing of large
alignments is more reasonable. When using the
new BioEdit Project
file format, the prokaryotic 16S rRNA alignment (6205
sequences, 29 Mb
file) opens in less than 10 sec. on a Pentium 233 MHz
with 80 Mb RAM.
Expanded sequence limit to 20,000.
Created a new binary file format
(the BioEdit Project
file) for fast Open and Save of large alignments.
A bug in formatting when exporting
an aligment as
raw text was fixed (the spacing would be randomly
messed up -- this bug
was introduced with version 4.3.8 and was only
recently discovered because
this feature apparently does not get used much).
Two bugs in the vertical split
window view were fixed:
When the original window's
vertical scrollbar was
not at the top, the right side of the split window
would start out of register
with the left side.
The left side of the window
would not scroll all
the way to the end.
A couple of changes to the
sequence edit box:
The first digit of ruler
positions >1,000,000 is
no longer deleted from the ruler bar.
The "Delete" key now works in
the edit box as well
as "Backspace".
A typo on the vertical axis of
Eisenberg mean hydrophobic
moment plots was fixed.
Changes to matrix plotter:
Clicking on the plot when there
is no 1-D line plot
open no longer crashes the program
Highlighting of the selected
matrix position on the
plot has been fixed (the selected position is
inverted and outlined).
The data summary reported for a
highlighted matrix
position reflects the position numbers in the matrix
file rather than the
absolute row or column number (x and y position
numbers may be discontinuous,
as when alignment numbering is used to generate the
M(xy) data or when
a numbering mask different from the sequence mask is
The row or column numbers shown
on the 1-D matrix
row/column plots reflect the position numbers in the
matrix file.
A bug in reporting of the current
row or column
that showed up when an asymmetric section of a matrix
file was plotted
has been fixed (if a matrix contained more rows than
columns, row numbers
beyond the total number of columns would be
"Flags" are now available to
graphically mark any
position in an alignment for keeping track of
positions while when going
back and forth a lot.
The sequences have been crunched
together slightly
for a tighter view with more sequence data on the
screen at once.
User may enable or disable
position reporting at
the mouse arrow.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.1:
Added option to translate selected
regions of nucleic
acid sequencesfor formatted translation with codon
summary, with the option
to display the entire nucleic acid sequence or only
the translated region
Added option for single-letter or
three-letter codes
for amino acids in formatted translations
Fixed a couple of bugs related to
non-U.S. versions
of Windows: errors resulting from the difference
between U.S. and European
decimal separators (period vs comma) have been fixed
in the text print,
RNA anaylises outputs, the matrix plotter, and
formatted translations.
Updated matrix plotter to provide
a summary of matrix
dimensions before loading up a matrix, and added the
capability to plot
user-defined regions of matrices. The plotter
can now handle a nearly
unlimited matrix size (but can still only plot ca.
1500 x 1500 (maybe up
to about 2000 x 2000) at one time. The largest
file tested was 179
Mb (5183 x 5183).
Expanded sequence limit to 10000
(sequence size is
limited only by system resources and speed).
Bug fixes/changes since v4.5.0:
Vertical split window view was
About 16 billion bugs were fixed
in the split window
view synchronization
Bug fixes/changes since v4.4.2:
Option added to split the
alignment window to simulataneously
work on two different parts of the same file while
keeping the two views
synchronized (menu option=View->Split Window)
ORF searching (menu
option=Sequence->Nucleic Acid->Find
Next ORF) -- change preferences for ORF searching
under Options->Preferences->ORFs)
-- user-defined starts and stops and minimum length
New edit box window: Edit
single sequence in
color with an improved sequence view including ruler
bar and sequence spaced
out in blocks of 10.
Improved alignment shading utility
-- shade identities
and similarities using the current color table or
user-defined identity
and similarity font and box colors. Display
sequences in color or
black and white (shaded views may also be done with
sequences in color
now). Copy shaded alignment to clipboard as an
enhanced metafile
for direct transfer as high-quality graphic into
programs such as PowerPoint
(text-quality, place directly onto a slide background
or template).
Bug fixes/changes since v4.4.1:
blastx was added to the local
BLAST interface
Image Export (Bitmap or Windows
Metafile) added to
plasmid utility with variable output size options
Clipboard copy as a Windows
Metafile added to plasmid
utility and to shaded graphic view utility
Bug fixes/changes since v4.4.0:
Fixed "Cut" and "Copy" options for
working with linked
nucleotide/protein views.
Added user control over menu
shortcuts in alignment
documents (to customize shortcuts, go to "Customize
Menu Shortcuts" from
the "View" menu)
Added "Auto-Update View Options"
item under the "View"
menu -- when checked, the "Save Options as Default"
item is not visible,
and view options are automatically saved whenever a
change is made
Fixed redraw of ends of sequences
when in a non-typeset
Bug fixes/changes since v4.3.10:
Fixed bug in translating and
translation toggling
(no longer bombs out after several translations)
Multi-file handling for opening
and importing sequence
Non-typeset font handling was
improved for the editing
window and in graphic shaded view
Read filters for NBRF/PIR and
Phylip 4 formats were
Monochrome sequence view fixed
(can't remember when
or how I broke it -- but it got broken).
Three options were added for
handling gaps for translating
when toggling between nucleotide and protein views:
Gaps automatically adjusted to
occur in groups of
three that do not disrupt codons
Gaps that disrupt codons or do
not occur in groups
of three may be ignored in trnaslating, but no
automatic adjustment of
No automatic adjustments to gaps
made, and gaps not
ignored when translating
File extensions for GenBank,
and BioEdit Plasmid files are registered for
point-and-click document opening
from Windows
Bug fixes/changes since v4.3.9:
Two bugs that were introduced into
version 4.3.9
were fixed:
Access Violation that would
occur after previewing
"Print Alignment as text"
Access Violation that would
occur upon running mutual
information analysis
* These two
bugs only occurred
in version 4.3.9 *
Bug fixes/changes since v4.3.8:
The program was restructured
internally to use less
memory and much fewer system resources. As a
result, the program
loads much faster and is not as demanding of the
operating system.
If you have experienced any trouble with starting
BioEdit, this may solve
the problem.
Two bugs were fixed in the display
of selected residues:
The entire selection is now
highlighted correctly
in very long stretches of selected residues (more
than ca. 25000 residues).
When selecting entire columns by
selecting on the
sequence position ruler, the selection highlighting
would sometimes get
broken, with some selections not appearing
highlighted. This has been fixed.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.3.7:
Added click-select capability fo
viewing data points
in the matrix plotter
When creating a line graph from
matrix data, the
row selected on the matrix plotter is graphed
When toggling between row and
column views in matrix
row/column graphs, the selected data point on the
matrix plotter is used
When rows or columns are scrolled
through on a line
graph, the selected data point on the matrix plotter
(if there is one)
is updated to match
Rows or column may be selected for
an open matrix
line graph by selecting a point on the matrix plotter
Fixed a bug in memory allocation
for the matrix plotter:
The last point of the matrix no longer disappears
Matrix table reading is now more
flexible (It can
handle inappropriate spaces, tabs or returns in the
file without giving
an error)
Matrix plotter now reads .csv
(comma-delimited) matrices
as well as tab-delimited
A bug was fixed for updating
feature titles in the
plasmid drawing utility: The updated title is
selected and sized
correctly on the screen now
Linear vector maps should now
shade better on a grayscale
laser printer (only circular maps were fixed
Moving the ends of horizontal or
vertical arrows
in the plasmid drawing utility now works correctly
(doesn't get stuck horizontal
or vertical anymore)
A bug in the new
nucleotide/protein translation view
toggling was fixed: Previously, if gaps were
accidentally introduced
into the last codon of a nucleotide sequence and
several gaps also occurred
at the end of the sequence, an error would occur when
BioEdit attempted
to readjust gaps to mend codons. This should no
longer be a problem
Bug fixes/changes since v4.3.6:
The on-line help system was
updated with a full searchable
index and full text search capability
Nucleotide sequences which encode
proteins may be
switched between their protein and nucleic acid
sequences, and alignments
may be edited in either view
Simple translations of nucleic
acids and reverse
translations of proteins now take gaps into account
rather than treating
them as unknown residues
ClustalW may now be run without
modifying sequence
titles to be non-redundant and 10 or few characters
When ClustalW is run from the
accessory menu, the
new alignment is automatically updated with GenBank
information (features,
references, accession, etc.) and full titles
Bug fixes/changes since v4.3.5:
(These changes were both made to the
drawing utility)
Grouped drawing objects now scale
as a unit
Changed feature drawing (arrows
and boxes) to be
more compatible with most printers
Bug fixes/changes since v4.3.4:
Added linear vector capability
Made titles selectable and
Made vector structure selectable
and mouse-movable
All objects and labels move along
with vector when
moving by hand
Restriction sites and feature
labels locations adjust
themselves when vector is resized
Bug fixed in plasmid
utility: selecting multiple
restriction site labels then hitting "delete" was
causing trouble with
the enzyme-label links
Bug fixes/changes since v4.3.3:
A bug in the positioning of
restriction cut sites
at the origin junction of circular DNA sequences was
fixed. This
error occured when running a map on circular sequences
that had a restriction
site that overlapped the origin and cut after
the overlap point.
This would cause an error also when generating a
plasmid map from such
a sequence.
Bug fixes/changes since v4.3.2:
Only one change: The
sequence editing box now
behaves better, and there is no set limit on the size
of the sequence that
can be opened and edited in an edit box (well,
actually the theoretical
upper limit is10 million bases, but that would be too
slow to be worth
it, anyway).
The printable documentation has
been updated (It's
only available for MS Word'97 or later).
Bug fixes/changes since v4.3.1:
Fixed an error in Kyte and
Doolittle hydrophobicity
data (valine was entered as -4.2 instead of 4.2)
Fixed enzyme label-position
hot-linking in plasmid
drawing utility
Enzyme labels now directly linked
by lines to their
respective positions in the plasmid drawing utility.
Scaling to the printer fixed for
plasmid drawing
Added arrows to drawing tools in
plasmid drawing
Copy and Paste now works between
plasmid documents
and toolbar is updated correctly when switching
between multiple plasmid
documents (was a problem before).
Bug fixes/changes since v4.1.2:
Modified hydrophobicity plotting
to conform to Kyte
and Doolittle mean hydrophobicity profile.
Added file save and open
capability for plasmid drawing
Added direct print for plasmid
Added object property editing for
plasmid drawing
Added copy and paste functions for
plasmid drawing
and modified copy to allow copying objects as bitmaps
for pasting into
other apps
Added object ordering support in
plasmid drawing
Bug fixes/changes since v4.1.1:
Bug fixes/changes since v3.1.2:
Added plasmid drawing interface
with annotation tools
and polylinker view -- this is in an early stage and
is not yet finished.
It may also have a couple of bugs.
Fixed bug in multipage graphical
alignment views
(no longer crashes on the last page -- also made
graphic view more efficient)
Bug fixes/changes since v3.1.1:
Fixed bugs in opening of Fasta
files from Mac or
UNIX format (was losing the first line of
Fixed minor bug in opening of
NBRF/PIR sequences
(spaces in the title would truncate the title and tack
extra characters
at the beginning of the sequence
Fixed color matching between
series lines and legend
of hydrophobicity plots
Added scrolling/keyboard control
of row/column number
in line plots of mutual information matrix data
Bug fixes/changes since v3.0.1:
Fixed font handling in edit window
-- any fonts will
now scale correctly with ruler and selections.
hydrophobicity/hydrophobicity profiles for
proteins(Kyte-Doolittle, Eisenberg, Cornette, Boyko,
Parker, and Hopps-Woods
Added amino acid and nucleotide
composition summaries
and plots.
Reorganized the "Sequence" menu
(now has separate
"Nucleic Acids" and "Protein" menus)
Fixed bug in Mask toggling (would
cause an exception
if selection went beyond the end of the mask)
Added restriction enzyme
mapping/browsing by manufacturer
Updated restriction enzyme table
with the REBASE
gcgenz.811 table
Bug fixes/changes since v2.1.1:
Added zoom capability and forced
data point size
to data matrix plotter
Added line/area graphing for rows
of mutual information
matrix data with point-and-click data examination
Experimental three-way information
(M(xyz), M(x,yz),
M(xy,z) and M(xz,y)) -- doesn't seem to be very
worthwhile, however.
Added print and clipboard copy
capabilities to two-dimensional
graphs (so far only Entropy plots and data matrix row
plots are available).
BioEdit is now distributed with
the TreeView
installation package which may be installed
independently of BioEdit.
Bug fixes/changes since v2.0.4:
fixed bug in LOCUS field of
GenBank files (was duplicationg
part of the LOCUS in some cases
Better handling of
Macintosh-formatted GenBank files
Automatic scrolling in Grab and
Drag mode.
Arrow key control over window
Added horizontal scroll speed
Fixed information-responsive
residue shading (capital/lowercase
residues no longer seen as different, and multiple
gaps now reduce the
alignment strength rather than increase it)
Uppercase/lowercase, lock/unlock
and degap control
of sequence selections as well as complete sequences.
Bug fixes/changes since v2.0.3:
Automatic scrolling in document
while selecting residues:
Scrolling past the end no longer causes the beginning
of the selection
to be moved back, and scrolling paste the beginning no
longer causes the
window to scroll forward.
Copy/paste: Using the normal copy
function will now
copy entire sequence structures as long as no residues
are selected on
the screen. Paste works just like Paste Sequence(s) as
long as the document
is not in Edit Residues mode. Copy Sequence(s) will
both copy sequence
structures to the BioEdit clipboard and also
Fasta-formatted sequences
to the Windows clipboard.
The New Alignment option of the
File menu now works
from within an alignment document.
Consensus sequence generation no
longer drops the
last residue
Degapping and unlocking gaps does
not cause an
error when selection(s) go paste the end of a sequence.